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Showing posts from August, 2018

Buzar: A transparent e-commerce platform

The world has gone far beyond the days of analogy, almost every human activity has been digitalized. The use of the internet has so far been the order of the day, the number of daily online or internet users daily has gone from millions to billions and these come with a great responsibility for users to browse from one site to the other just to get in touch with friends or get their business running effectively.   However, marketing industry is not left out, the use of the internet to exchange and trade good online have also been adopted. E-commerce sites such as Aliexpress, Amazon and has made a spontaneous progress in the development of electronic commerce. Making use of multiple online platforms at a time comes with a great responsibility for users. Buzar has been established to combine these two active trends whereas creating a new friendly platform on the internet that will compress the functions of the communication p2p platform and a universal super-market. Overview...

Buzar: A transparent online platform

Our generation is currently experiencing the greatest era of change. The world has gone far beyond the days of analogy, almost every activity of the human race has been digitalized with the daily invention of technology. Imagine a world where you could be able to get everything done just sitting at home. Technology and the human race can never be separated, the world at large now has so much dependence on technology and the demand for technology keeps rising daily. It is impossible to tell how new technologies have impacted our lives and how it will as well impact the nearest future. The advancement of online technology has brought a whole new face to the way things are been done in the past, it has made it easier and more convenient for people to access a whole lot of things. However, as the rate of online or internet use increases daily, the struggle to move from one application or online platform to the other increases. Daily people access more than five online platforms at a...

Liquid8: the solution to real-world asset challenges

The fast emerging of modern technology has brought about a lot of change in our generation. Imagine a world where almost everything has been made easier with the help of the internet. The world has gone far beyond the days of analogy to a digital era where every activity is broken down and made easier for the people. Currently, the real-world asset owners have been facing a lot of challenges and find it difficult to cope up with the digital age. Their inability to convert a traditional asset into an online platform for easier exchange has so far been a torn on their flesh. the real-world asset owners these past has tried to bring a lasting solution to these problems but they are yet to be achieved. The liquid8 platform was therefore established to bring a lasting solution to these errors with the aid of the blockchain technology. The liquid8 multi-functional platform doesn’t only solve the real-world asset owners challenges, it is a multi-functional platform and has many other amazing ...

Applying the liquid8 platform in the marketing system. [tokenization]

Since the advancement of technology and the rate of online active users, quite a number of online marketing platforms has evolved. The world is so far witnessing the highest rate of digital innovation. The marketing system has also joined the movement bringing about a total change in the market industry. We would be looking into marketing, the challenges and how it can be solved using the latest online marketing platform known as liquid8. What is marketing? According to the American marketing association, marketing can be said to be the activity, set of institution and a process for creating communication, delivering and exchanging offers that have value for customers, clients, partners and the society at large. In accordance with the change in our generation, marketing has evolved from traditional to what we all know as online marketing. What is online marketing? Online marketing is simply the fastest and stress-free method of advertising or marketing products or services using...


Online gaming has so far been one of the leading online industry currently with daily active online users rising from thousands to millions. These gaming industries have been in existence for quite a long period of time and are generally known as the lottery industry. I will however quickly explain the word lottery and their operations. What is a lottery? Lottery can be defined as a form of gamblings that involves the drawing of numbers for a fixed price, amongst those who paid to participate in various lottery programs. The passion to win the lottery has been an integral part of the human race throughout the past age. Since the advancement of a lot of modern technologies, the traditional way of lottery has gradually and slowly vanished. The lottery market, however, has its own ups and down. These errors have been affecting the effectiveness of the lottery market. There have been cases of failed promises and scams been witness in the lottery market these past years. Nobody has be...

The most effective lottery market platform

Are you a game lover, do you enjoy gambling or are you a lover of the lottery industry? Then these write up [article] is for you. Well, the lottery industries have been in existence and have been effectively running for decades now. From the days of analogy down to this current digital era, the lottery industry has been functioning. Currently, with the rate of internet use and the growing adoption, online and mobile lotteries are growing rapidly everywhere. The lottery industry has captured the interest of people for centuries and has always continued to be recognized despite the astronomical odds against winning a life-changing jackpot and problems attached to the lottery market. Well yes, the lottery industry has been facing a lot of challenges so far and as we all know people or should I say lottery officials have been trying to find a permanent solution to this error. Efforts have been made to reform the lottery market but a permanent solution has not yet been achieved. ...


Writing from experience? Losing data or a vital information either on paper or online has been one of the greatest challenges of all time. People have in one way or another lost life earned data. [eg] Losing a certificate or business data is difficult to reverse. Spending a lifetime trying to acquire a certificate that would help you get a better job and at the end losing it can lead to depression and in most times causes suicide attempts. I have ones in life experienced this was mistakenly I lost my bank details. To me, it felt like the world is coming to an end because I know truly well the consequences of losing a bank data. throughout life, people tend to have a very large amount of information about themselves and this information when lost results to a very big set back. the need for a more secure way of storing information cannot be emphasized and no ones have been able to solve this puzzle this is why endo blockchain technology has come up with a platform were information’s c...

ENDO: Securing the future today

Sometimes in life, we might in one way or the order misplaced or lost some important documents that might be our lifetime effort. The tragic thing about a misplaced document or rather misplaced data is it is always difficult to retrieve. There have been some cases were a library or residential buildings catch fire and in these process, people lose lots of life-saving documents. It may be challenging to keep track of hardcopy paperwork in the past age, individuals who lose essential documents can suffer some serious consequences that at times lasts for a lifetime. That’s a long time to have to keep tabs on a pile of papers. Documents like lost birth certificate, tax records, titles of ownership or school certificates when lost might leave an everlasting mark on people and this is why with the help of the newly invented endo technology, users would be able to save information,documents as many as they can confidently without any worry of running out of memory space or document lose. En...


Sounds good right? We are currently witnessing the highest number of revolution in our time[21st century]. Every activity has gone digital. We are in a computerized age where with the aid of your computer set or smartphone you can get everything done just staying at home. These development has brought about a lot of change in our generation, we have gone from analogue to digital and the marketing aspect is not also left out. Today people can be able to get goods online and at the same time pay but of course, this development also gave room for fraudsters to operate. The provision of a more secure platform where users can safely trade has failed. The online market trading platform has been turned into a danger zone. Foreign investors no longer feel safe, a lot of water has gone over the bridge and no one has been able to come up with a strong solution to these problems. However, the latest establishment of extradecoin has brought shining lights and hope to the online market again. we ar...

Extradecoin: A new dawn of online trading

Our world has gone digital, almost everything is done online. Some people might ask what is an online trade, I will be fast and brief in explaining what online trade is about and how it has impacted a lot in our generation. People have most frequently asked me how they can be partakers of the trending online transaction. What is online trading ? Online trading is basically the act of buying and selling products through an online trading platform. These online trading platforms are usually provided by Internet-based brokers and are available to everyone who wishes to make money from the online trading market. Nowadays, there is no need at all to go to a bank or post office, or even leave your house for that matter. People can now simple trade any type of goods online using their computer or any type of internet enabled phone. As I mentioned above, from the palm of your hand you can trade online using the latest online trading platform known as extradecoin. overview As we all kn...