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Cryptolancer: Eliminating the shortcomings in the freelancing ecosystem

Image result for cryptolancer bounty
Hello, my friends, am always pleased to share with you the most promising ideas and ongoing projects that aim to solve issues plaguing a particular sector in the ecosystem of the world.
It might sound trite, but with the aid of a quick glance, one would notice our world has gone past the age of analogy to this present digital era which has brought about the concept of the internet. Currently, people prefer to work over the internet as freelancers. Over the past few years, the number of freelancers has grown exponentially.
However, freelance workers present a special challenge in terms of a collective labour organization. As an individualistic and highly dispersed workforce, they face several obstacles which in turn plague the effectiveness of their work.
In accordance with statistics, almost 50& of freelancers and self-employed individuals has in one way or the other experienced systematic problems in obtaining their payment within the agreed time frame. As freelancers, they desire quick payment and with the maximum available security against refund. They also desire the exact amount of money budgeted in the contract without any complications.
These errors have been plaguing the freelancing industry for long and surprisingly nothing has been done to tackle these challenges but not until the current lunching of the cryptolancer platform. The team behind the launching of the platform has seen the great need to initiate a lasting solution to the freelancing industry which prompted the establishment of cryptolancer.

Introducing cryptolancer

Image result for cryptolancer bounty
Cryptolancer is a platform that makes it easy to pay and fast to receive. Its principles deliver the best service that meets the client’s objectives and issues the least expense and the best timing possible. CryptoLancers ICO platform is a distributed peer-to-peer free-running platform, a CryptoLancers token for online payment services, which gives people the ability to realize innovative projects and hire freelancers to provide related work and services, You can connect a leader to a service provider.
CryptoLancers is set to tackle down numerous errors within the freelancing market which includes the late and refusals of payment for the agreed amount of money for a project. CryptoLancers is implemented on Ethereum as a Smart Contract and includes an ERC20 compatible utility token, called CLT, which will be effectively utilized for payments.

The solution cryptolancer is initiating 

Classical payment method
High Transaction fees
Fraud and fake reviews
Low-security level
Cryptolancers initiating Solutions
Decentralized plugins payment services
Transaction fees less than 2%
Decentralized feedback in point
Decentralized hosting web
On the cryptolancers ecosystem, after each project is completed, the client is expected to leave a comment on how credible the freelancer was in the aspect of his work delivery. If the client is satisfied with the outcome result of the freelancer's work, the cryptolancer platform will give a point to the freelancer. This point serves to validate their work. Moreover, in an opposite situation where the client is not satisfied with the results delivered and it is displayed by their comment/s, no points will be given to the freelancer. Points are awarded to well-delivered work as opposed to less, this is to maintain credibility and avoid false or personal reviews.
In addition, Clients will have the ability to view freelancer details such as number of feedbacks, ratings, and cancellation instances. This method will automatically assist clients to get rid of unworthy candidates and select only those with proven professional skills to ensure clients get quality work.


I solemnly believe that with the full implementation of the cryptolancers platform, the issues faced by clients and freelancers will be forever eliminated. The platform will account for credibility, transparency and security for the best interest of the platform users.

Information Token :

• Token: CLT
• Platform: Ethereum
• Tags: ERC20
Cryptolancer coding analysis of the current market
• Pre-sale 1 Price: $ 0,00
Token amount the maximum will be selling:
• 5.000.000 out of the 100,000,000 (5%)
• Amount minimum purchase: $ 10,000
• Pre-sale 2 Price: 0,375

Token amount the maximum on sale:

• 10.000.000 out of the 100,000,000 (10%)
• Amount minimum purchase: $ 1,000
• Price ICO: $ + 0,498
The number of token maximum is sold:
• 22.500.000 out of the 100,000,000 (22.5%)
• Amount minimum purchase: 0.5 ETH
• Cryptolancer token total softcap: $ 1,500,000
• Cryptolancer token total hardcap: $ 11,250,000

Clink on the links below for more information

Username: tochidavid
pofile link:;u=2355893


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