hello friends, I welcome you all to this amazing edition of my article review. Just like I have taken it up on myself a s a duty to provide the most useful information in my article reviews, today I will be giving out a brief overview of a project known as realDEX.
It might sound trite, but the obvious is our generation is rapidly changing and technology has positively affected every aspect of our life.
realDEX is simply an Authentic decentralized P2P exchange platform running on windows, Mac OSX or Linux program which will not be relying on a domain and or IP before functioning.
realDEX will require primarily require an internet affiliation and will also perpetuate running on one TCP port number 9338. The realDEX Network also requires one port for full-duplex, bidirectional traffic. This port will be utilized for trading by all users in the network as well as communication with the Masternodes.

RealDEX is built on a decentralized structure. The decentralized nature of realDEX will ensure that users Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program will generate a deposit address without the need to access to a wallet. The coins a user will transfer to the wallet will remain in cold storage until withdrawal is done via one of the Masternode on the network. On the realDEX network, masternodes will be the channel for withdrawal.A user will only have to a little bitcoin, xcoin blockchain fee which will go to the masternode handling users transaction.
Buyers, Sellers, Developers and Master node proprietors will be blocked out from having access to private keys which are encrypted and stored on the realDEX blockchain database. Source code can be attained on GitHuB at https://github.com/realDEX.
realDEX team has designed their own cryptocurrency which will be known as realDEX Token. The realDEX token was uniquely designed tackle issues for more than 2billion individuals on a words scale. Based on the Ethereum platform, realDEX Token cryptocurrency will be effectively utilized as trading payment fees and also as Masternode ownership for the realDEX decentralized trading platform. realDEX Token does not have the necessary qualification as a security, this is because it does not give any rights on dividends or interest, any ownership right or stake share or equivalent rights or any right to receive future revenue shares, or any other form of participation in or relating to the realDEX, nor shall realDEX Token holders have any influence or rights in the development or governance of the realDEX. realDEX Token, therefore, is not a share. realDEX Token is final and non-refundable. The acquirement and utilization of realDEX Token shall not be done for speculative usage
Value Proposition
There does not appear to be any defining characteristics that make the RealDEX exchange superior to any of the number of competing projects working on decentralized exchanges.
Related Projects
In addition to the RealDEX exchange, the RealDEX team will also be developing four other projects:
(1) RealLOCAL - A decentralized p2p altcoin/fiat trading platform with an escrow service (projected beta launch July 2018).
(2) RealSOCIABLE - Social networking crypto dedicated website (projected launch August 2018).
(3) RealAUCTION - Cryptocurrency auction marketplace platform (projected beta launch April 2019).
(4) RealFREELANCE - Cryptocurrency crowdsourcing marketplace website (projected beta launch February 2019).
The second round of the token sale will commence from 23rd July, 2018 and ends on the 23rd October, 2018 with an expected quantity of about 2500000 rDEX. With a price equivalent of rDEX to 0.0002 BTC.

After the token sales, a percentage of the token will therefore be distributed to all category of persons who have contributed towards the success of this great exchange project. Below is a diagram illustrating the distribution technique;
Below is a team of technologist who where able to bring this truckload of idea into reality;
Below is the next plan of action of this great project for all interested investors and prospective subscribers;
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://real-dex.net/
WHITEPAPE https://real-dex.net/assets/files/white-paper.pdfR:
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3384128.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/realdexnet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/realdexnet
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/FKebdklsYpRSpDMgUysaSg
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