Hello friends, thanks for always supporting me by reading my article reviews, I promise to serve better by providing the most useful information in my article editions. Today, I will emphasize more on a project known as Atlantico.
The medical industry has played a very important role in our lives if you would sincerely agree with me. They have been the ones responsible for inventing drugs and healthcare machines that help extend the lives of individuals.
However on the other hand, just like every other sector the medical industry has been plagued with vast errors that have greatly affected the smooth running of the ecosystem in general which ranges from costly healthcare services to inexperienced doctors and staffs, production of fake drugs by some pharmaceutical industries.
I could keep naming the errors in the medical industry if only I was writing a book. These errors in some cases have accounted for the death of many, lets take for example a patients in great need of medical healthcare services and unfortunately these patients finds him/her self in a medical center with inadequate healthcare facilities and unexperienced healthcare staffs, the survival of such patients is slim and can’t be predicted.
Everyone in general, has been faced with this challenge for quite a long time and no one knows when a solution will be implemented. Well, when I found out about the selfless work of the team behind the launching of the Atlantico project, I said to myself, yes this is the solution and deep down, I knew this project will go a long way. The world, in general, has been waiting for this solution and am glad to be a part.
Introducing Atlantico network
As of the time of writing this, Atlantico remains the first medical blockchain platform built on a decentralized structure. Atlantico delivers more quality and trustworthy medical goods and services at an affordable price for everyone and also brings together the whole medical ecosystem which includes patients, doctors, pharmaceutical firms, insurance companies and medical centers in a clearer and more transparent environment where their services can be regulated and checked. Sounds good right?The platform has 7 user sub-levels: Patient
Insurance company
Medical center
Pharmaceutical wholesaler Pharmaceutical manufacturer
The team goal is to utilize hi-tech to initiate interactions between clients and providers of goods and services in the pharmaceutical industry to a more innovative channel. Blockchain technology implementation on the network will ensure transparency and security and every interaction, such as a patients’ requests, patients registration, medication, diagnoses, prescriptions, insurance cases registration, new pharmaceuticals registration etc. will be recorded in a blockchain ledger. The distributed ledger will be responsible for recording changes and important events which in turn will be utilized for future analysis.Project benefits

Project benefits for patients: Convenient mobile app showing closest medical centers, doctors, pharmacies and insurance companies.
Doctors qualification assessment which would make it easier for patients to make the right choice when choosing a doctor which will be based on user rating, when medical services are needed User rating of pharmaceutical products.
Medical services and pharmaceutical products at affordable prices.
Patients will get Discounts for medical services in the ATLANTICO Network mobile app.
Project benefits for medical centres: More qualified specialists for medical institutions which is as a result of continuous analysis and rating of doctor’s activity.
high-quality pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
More efficient interactions with insurance companies.
Other medical sectors such as pharmaceutical firms, insurance companies have their own benefits. The link below will contain more information about that.
click on the link for more information
Username: tochidavid
pofile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2355893
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